You may have noticed that there are not many cruising yachts braving the Solent at the moment. This is not only due to it being a very cold winter, but also because COVID-19 restrictions do not allow us stay on-board overnight or for that matter, visit a marina.
Therefore, until we know more about future restrictions, we’re unable to plan a full Cruising Rally calendar, but as soon as it’s possible, we will be arranging our annual Fitting-Out Supper, before sailing off into the sunset once again.
We currently have 10 boats in the SBSC Cruising Club, but if any member who have acquired a ‘big’ boat would like to join us for some fun weekends (we normally start around Easter time), please call Lin Wilson on 07977 065885.
The details of all rallies will be posted on the SBSC website and Cruising Members will also be contacted via our SBSCCC WhatsApp group.