Cadet Club focuses on the joys of Junior and Youth Sailing
Our Saturday morning Cadet Club is open to members as young as 6 years old with coaching from experienced catamaran sailor Adam Charlesworth and windsurfer and sailor Andy Wealthy – both of whom are also Cadet parents. Andy is also our club Welfare Officer.
Most cadet activities take place during the summer months on Saturday mornings. No previous sailing experience is required by children or parents who want to join in but older children venturing out in boats alone, should be able to swim proficiently.

Cadet Week (typically at the beginning of the summer school holidays), is the highlight of the year for Cadets and is packed with water-based activities… but beware when the water-pistol-laden pirate ship appears!
Cadets are welcome to race in the normal club racing programme (Sundays and Wednesday evening) or where there is a dedicated start for the Cadet fleet. Through the summer there will not only be a Cadet Championships but also a Cadet Series, specifically to bridge the daunting gap between club sailing and club racing. Stokes Bay also has a number of boats available for those who do not have access to their own which can be used during Cadet activities or club racing. The most popular fleet at the club for Cadets is the Topper but you will also find Fusions, Laser Radials and a variety of other classes.
You can find up-to-date information about upcoming Cadet events on the
SBSC Cadets Facebook page
Cadet activities (other than Cadet Week) are free for all Cadets and family members and if you are not a member yet, then please feel free to turn up on a Saturday morning to see what Cadets is about or to ask cadet parents if you have any questions.
For more information please contact:
Administrator on 023 925 82513
Saturday Morning Cadets (May – September)
Briefing at 10h00, where Cadets should be changed and rigged, ready to go sailing. After the briefing Cadets will be divided into their groups for their various activities, until 12h00.
Cadet activities are organised and run by parents,. All parents need to stay to help the sailors each week but you don’t need any sailing experience to do your part to support the cadets.
Please check the club calendar HERE for the full list of Cadet Activity dates.
Cadet Week
The highlight of the year!
Cadet Week typically takes place early in the summer holidays, running over 5 days. There is a huge range of sailing, land and water-based activities, taking place throughout each of the 5 days. From obstacle courses to water pistol fights, team paddling races and fast boat day, the goal of cadet week is for all age groups to have fun. The Cadet Week BBQ is a great way for the whole family to end a day of fun on the water